Torund Bryhn

Strategist, publisher, and podcaster with a passion for making people, companies, and causes famous for their contribution to the world.

Torund Bryhn

Strategist, publisher, and podcaster with a passion for making people, companies, and causes famous for their contribution to the world.

Upcoming Book

Fame Revolution

How democratization of fame is changing the rules of business and strategies for success.

Available on Kindle

Fame Revolution

How democratization of fame is changing the rules of business and strategies for success.

What I do​

I’m dedicated to spotlighting individuals, locations, and organizations to help them leave an indelible mark on the world through their noble initiatives, designs, and actions with my Public Figure Strategy.

I help you become famous for what you do.

Who I Serve

  • Visionary Business Owners and Start-ups aiming for Thought Leadership.
  • CEOs & Executives looking to solidify their brand and reputation.
  • Engineers & Inventors yearning for global recognition.
  • Writers with aspirations to become celebrated authors.
  • Companies wishing to cultivate a resonant lifestyle brand.
  • Ambitious Political Candidates with national aspirations.
  • Academics seeking public acknowledgment.

What I'm known for

Strategic Communications Expert: Over two decades in the field, shaping brand and reputation profiles.

Environmental Advocacy: Significant work in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) advocacy and Circular Economy.

Public Affairs Expertise: Rebranded national and international figures in sectors like energy, politics, and finance.

Non-Profit Founder: Established the Nexus Council, emphasizing finding common ground in society.

Education: Master’s Degree in Strategic Communications from Columbia University.

International Recognition: Presented work at global conferences and gatherings in cities like Stavanger, Oslo, Brussels, London, and Melbourne.

My Philosophy

Business rules have changed and so have success strategies.

We all need a Public Figure Strategy.

My Podcast

Authenticity is key in today’s brand-driven economy. Navigate the intricate world of personal branding with insights from industry experts. Together, we’ll tackle pressing challenges like navigating cancel culture, deciding how much of our personal lives to share while selling, and establishing genuine connections while safeguarding privacy. Each episode offers actionable tools and insights to amplify influence and stand out in any field. Embrace authenticity and become renowned for what you do!

My Podcast

Authenticity is key in today’s brand-driven economy. Navigate the intricate world of personal branding with insights from industry experts. Together, we’ll tackle pressing challenges like navigating cancel culture, deciding how much of our personal lives to share while selling, and establishing genuine connections while safeguarding privacy. Each episode offers actionable tools and insights to amplify influence and stand out in any field. Embrace authenticity and become renowned for what you do!

Coverage of Achieved Work:

Torund has helped clients get placements in 65+ news outlets and beyond.

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